【モノグサPdMシリーズ vol.5】記憶で英語学習:モノグサの英語四技能プロダクト紹介

この記事は、モノグサのPdMの仕事を紹介するシリーズの最新版です。前回は、PdMの役割と責任(vol.3 by 岩楯さん)、PdMの仕事の進め方(vol.4 by 卓さん)を中心に、PdMの仕事全般を紹介しました。
私のここでの目的は、モノグサのプロダクトの具体的な例を紹介することと、PdMとしてのやり甲斐についてお伝えすることです。この記事を読んで、モノグサのPdMの仕事に興味を持っていただければ幸いです。もっと知りたい方は、遠慮なく、下記申込フォームからカジュアル面談にご応募ください。 ↓↓↓
Overall product
Monoxer’s core product is a memory platform. The content (= things to be memorized) created by publishers, teachers, individuals, or Monoxer are hosted on the platform and delivered to the learners through our application, in the form of quizzes that are auto-generated and adapted to each learner. At the end of the day, Monoxer’s goal is to alleviate all the pains and efforts related to memorization and make our users’ learning experience seamless, effective, and efficient.
Monoxer is already used by hundreds of thousands of students in various educational contexts such as schools, cram classes, universities, offices, and even pre-schools! As a platform, Monoxer is not bound to a specific domain; our solution helps learners achieve their goals in any topic, such as languages, studying history or math, and even mastering sales speeches!
Thus, the PLATFORM and MEMORY elements are what make Monoxer’s product very distinctive and also challenging.
Monoxer E4S Product vision
At the time of writing this article, English language learning is a prominent use case of Monoxer’s platform. Within this broad domain, there are many learners with different proficiency levels and goals, such as:
high school students preparing for university exams in a cram school
middle school students studying for an Eiken grade certificate
Young adults aiming at a TOEIC score
people casually learning English in an English Conversation school
Monoxer’s E4S (English 4 skills) product aims to enable these users to achieve their goals in English proficiency through the Monoxer memory platform. The product vision is to become the most efficient and effective way to reach the CEFR B2 level in English foreign language learning.
Impossible? Nah… Challenging? Definitely! But isn’t that what a product vision is for?
Reminder: what are the 4 language skills?
Language learning typically involves the development of four primary skills, often referred to as the "four language skills":
Reading: The ability to understand and interpret written language. Reading skills include recognizing and comprehending words, phrases, and larger texts.
Listening: The ability to understand spoken language, including recognizing words, phrases, and overall meaning.
Writing: The ability to convey thoughts and ideas through written language. Writing skills involve spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and overall written communication proficiency.
Speaking: The ability to articulate thoughts and ideas using spoken language. Speaking skills involve pronunciation, fluency, and the ability to express oneself clearly and coherently.
These four skills are interconnected, and even though some skills might develop earlier than others, they support each other. For example, it is often said that to be able to speak, one need also to practice listening, as dialog requires the usage of both listening and speaking. It is also often said that speaking and writing skills, which are both “production” oriented skills that imply the generation of original sentences by the learner, are very similar.
Memory and language learning
Second language acquisition as well as the development of the four language skills is widely studied by researchers around the world. From these studies, we understand that long-term memory plays an important role in the cognitive processes involved during communication.
The most obvious example is vocabulary. When reading a text in English, we continuously access our long-term memory for recognizing words and their meaning. The same applies also when listening to the radio, or writing a mail in English. In the case you do not know a word (= it is not in your internal memory), you have no choice but to go and search for its meaning in an external memory system (such as the internet or in a dictionary). While it might work when you are not time-constrained and you are free to access these external aids, to achieve some level of proficiency, you need to make some knowledge stick in your memory.
Research also indicates that depending on their proficiency level, English learners will face different cognitive challenges. For example, in the case of listening, lower and intermediate proficiency English learners would mostly struggle at the low-decoding stage of the listening process: it would be hard for them to distinguish the words from the sounds, their understanding would be limited by their vocabulary knowledge, etc…. On the other hand, as proficiency increases, learners’s challenge switches to higher-level decoding, such as the understanding of hidden or culturally related meanings. In all cases, memory, at the center of cognitive functions, has an important role to play.

Monoxer’s solution for English learners
Monoxer's core learning experience involves solving automatically generated, gradually difficult quizzes that enable knowledge to seamlessly stick. The quizzes come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose, such as memorizing sentences, associating elements, and more. Due to Monoxer's nature as a versatile platform, these quizzes are designed to adapt to any learning goal, making them suitable for various educational domains.
In the context of English learning, Monoxer initially focused on vocabulary memorization during its first product launch. Over the years, the product has evolved significantly to cover all the bases for developing the four language skills. Here are some examples of quiz forms commonly used when learning English with Monoxer:

What makes the PdM role @Monoxer interesting
In essence, a Product Manager's mission is to define the product vision, strategize to achieve that vision and lead the product team toward the goal. This classic definition aptly fits the role of an E4S (English 4 Skills) Product Manager at Monoxer (Note: I suggest you also read this article by our VP of Product about the difference between startup and mega-venture PDM role if you are interested). It involves anticipating the needs of users, customers, and stakeholders, leading product updates to enhance Monoxer as an optimal solution for English learning.
Having served in this role for over a year, here are aspects that make the E4S Product Manager role intriguing at Monoxer:
1. Solving Learner’s Real Problems
Millions of individuals across Japan, spanning various age groups, face challenges in learning English. As a Product Manager, addressing these real-world problems and making a meaningful impact on learners' experiences is both challenging and rewarding. While developing or upgrading features, we put a keen focus on making an impact, especially ensuring that we help learners achieve their higher goals. One question we often ask ourselves in the product team is: what are the problems that only Monoxer can solve? Although there are multiple challenges, pains, and difficulties in learning a language, at Monoxer, we stay focused on solving issues that we, as a Memory Platform, are best positioned for.
2. Exploring Uncharted Territory
There are already plenty of solutions out there for learning English, so why another one? Monoxer has a unique positioning in the education domain, and it opens plenty of possibilities to explore innovative ideas, technologies, and methodologies in English education. As a product manager at Monoxer, I find it genuinely interesting to dive into research papers related to cognitive science and brainstorm about what we can do to help them overcome existing challenges with memory.
3. Building a Platform
Recently, I went for an interview with an English teacher, and I made an unexpected discovery. While we were discussing various topics on future product evolution, the teacher told me that he was using Monoxer’s dictation quiz for grammar teaching in his classes. I was very surprised, as the dictation quiz form was mainly developed for Listening skill development, and I hadn’t thought that such a use case for the feature existed! This is a good example of what it means to develop a platform. While shipping features, you might have concrete ideas (assumptions!) about how your users are going to interact with them, but you can not anticipate everything! So it is important as a PdM to stay attentive to your users, through interviews, data analysis, and of course regular discussion with business representatives. This leads me to the last point of interest, teamwork
4. The Teamwork
A Product Manager acts as a conduit between different departments, ensuring everyone is aligned with the product vision. Product managers interact daily with various stakeholders, belonging to the same organization (such as developers, designers, and content managers) and beyond (sales, customer success, support, business planning, etc…). Successful communication is crucial for the continued development and enhancement of the product, and I think that Monoxer, as a company, is providing a great environment for collaboration and teamwork. The culture enables free and open communication across various organizations and there is a natural alignment toward the priority of making an impact, now.
Monoxer offers a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation, and I hope this article helped you envision the kind of products we lead at Monoxer.
To finish, we are continuously expanding our team at Monoxer. If you are interested in the opportunities, don’t hesitate to apply for a casual interview here ↓↓↓.
Monoxerの英語4技能対策では、学習者がそれぞれ目標とする英語の習熟度に到達させることを目指しています。プロダクトのビジョンは、外国語としての英語学習において、CEFR B2レベルに到達するための最も効率的かつ効果的な方法となることです。
1. 読む力(リーディング):書かれた言葉を理解し解釈する能力。単語や文章、さらには長いテキストを理解することが含まれます。
2. 聞く力(リスニング):話される言葉を理解する能力で、単語や文章、全体の意味を認識することが含まれます。
3. 書く力(ライティング):書かれた言葉を通じて思考やアイデアを伝える能力。スペリング、文法、語彙、そして全体的な書き言葉によるコミュニケーションの熟練度が関わっています。
4. 話す力(スピーキング):話される言葉を使って思考やアイデアを明確に表現する能力。発音、流暢さ、そして自己を明瞭かつ組織的に表現する能力が含まれます。


1. 学習者の本質的課題を解決すること
2. 未踏の領域を探索する
既に英語学習のためのたくさんのソリューションが存在していますが、なぜ他の解決策が必要なのか? Monoxerは教育分野において独自の位置づけを持ち、英語教育における革新的なアイディアや技術、方法論を探求する多くの可能性を開きます。モノグサのプロダクトマネージャーとして、認知科学に関連した研究論文に没頭し、記憶に関する既存の課題を克服するために私たちができることについてアイデアを出すことに深い興味を感じています。
3. プラットフォームを築く
4. チームワーク
モノグサは革新の最前線に立つユニークな機会を提供しており、私が書いたこの記事がモノグサでリードしているプロダクトの種類を想像する助けになれば幸いです。最後に、私たちはモノグサでチームを継続的に拡大しています。もしご興味があれば、下記のリンクからお気軽にカジュアル面談に応募してください 。↓↓↓